From the Editor-in-Chief

It is difficult to say when flying cars will become a mainstream mode of transportation, but the technology is advancing rapidly and there is enough interest in the concept for them to become a reality within the next decade

Issue: BizAvIndia 2/2023By Jayant Baranwal, Editor-in-Chief

Dear Reader,

India’s civil aviation industry is going through an exciting phase but the business aviation industry in the country is still finding its upward trajectory. However, attempts are being made through discussions and initiatives constantly to help the industry take off. BAOA President highlights some of the major issues in his letter as part of this edition of the magazine. He highlights that BAOA has been working on a number of important issues affecting the viability of operations, keeping in mind the long-term sustainability of the business. In a connected report, Sudhir Rajeshirke talks about taxation as the key lever that the Government can pull to provide an impetus, especially to the generation aviation industry. He shares a deep analysis of the Indian situation in this light.

Going ahead, an area of interest for business aviation has also been the eVTOLs. Flying cars, straight out of the fantasy world, appear to be a reality now. Rohit Goel writes about how this would change the transportation. He underlines how the landscapes of cities could transform, and the latest developments in terms of flying cars. Transportation and commute are certainly getting interesting and is expanding while going through shifts. Seaplanes are another such addition to the scene. A report in this issue sheds light on the untapped potential of the seaplane market in India. Often overlooked until recently, seaplane services present a significant opportunity to exploit the country’s vast coastlines.

Talking about next-gen air transport, Gulfstream continues to create advanced aircraft with its upgraded technology and recently displayed in one of its most recent aircraft Gulfstream G800. The G800 made its continental debut recently in Geneva at EBACE2023, fueled by SAF. This display of commitment to sustainable aviation marks a step forward in reducing the environmental impact of air travel which has been evident in the efforts of many aerospace manufacturers and the industry overall. Sustainability was one of the major themes at conventions and airshows alike including EBACE as well as the Paris Air Show 2023. EBACE2023 showcased cutting-edge technologies, new aircraft unveilings, innovative sustainable flight solutions, and exciting market opportunities. A strong show of many of these advanced technologies as well as sustainability was seen in this year’s Paris Air Show which returned after a four-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Show reports by Ayushee Chaudhary highlights the key occurrences at these shows.

All this and more in this issue of BizAvIndia.

Welcome aboard and we wish you many happy landings!