Embraer Assists the Transport for COVID-19 Vaccines

Issue: BizAvIndia 1/2021 Photo(s): By Embraer

As demand for the COVID-19 vaccine transportation increases around the world, Embraer has released technical information to assist customers on how its business jets can be optimised to transport these vaccines. Due to the pandemic, operators are considering the possibility of using Embraer aircraft to transport vaccines.

Embraer carried out tests and simulations to properly define characteristics and payload requirements in relation to the technical specifications of vaccine transportation, considering the differences among each aircraft. The transport of these vaccines requires low temperatures, which are achieved by using dry ice.

In December 2020, Embraer released technical guidance to assist commercial aircraft customers to properly define the transportation characteristics and payload requirements for the COVID-19 vaccines. Most recently, Embraer also released guidance to apply UV-C lights for cockpit sanitisation, as well as disinfectants and coatings for the aircraft interiors.